

So, The Creative Medley is on a temporary hiatus. There is just literally no space to keep my items for sale in this tiny apartment! I may reopen and focus mainly on paper crafts and cards since those are more manageable for storage. Creative Medley was intended for a conglomeration of (or a medley of) handmade craft products. A focus on only paper products would shift my intentions for the time being, but would keep The Creative Medley open. 
In short, I'm hoping to reopen with a temporarily narrow focus until life moves us to a place where storage is a feasible option.

Thank you for your interest and time!!


The Shop is Open!!!!...but

Well, I'm so excited to have my Creative Medley shop up and running again!  However there is one more bump in the road. As I was reposting old items and adding on new items my computer battery gave it's little warning message that the battery life was running low. This was odd since I had just plugged it in. Upon further inspection, the cord showed signs of an attack from our adorable little playful cat...who has severed the plug in for my computer. Since this is the SECOND cord he has toyed to death, and it is an $80 replacement, I am afraid my uploads and updates are on hold. I can still access the shop via my phone, but all my photographs of the new shop items are on that computer! -sigh-

So, please enjoy browsing through the few items that did get listed in the shop! Know that there are more that just can't be listed yet until this computer charger cord cat-astrophe is amended. (This may have to be a creative solution as my hours have been cut back at my part time job AND I'm saving up to pay for a bridesmaids dress and eventual trip for my soon-to-be sister-in-law's wedding!)

Life throws curveballs sometimes! Grand re-opening of The Creative Medley Etsy shop wasn't quite as spectacular as I'd hoped...and is still incomplete. But it is still nice to be open again! Stay tuned as technology is bested by my cat, alternative solutions are figured out by my wonderful husband, and the most cost-efficient fix is found! :)


The Grand Re-Opening

Grand Re-Opening will be in June!!

Exciting news! The CreativeMedley will be reopening in June! Official date will be June 3. I'm so very excited to have my shop open again! I can't wait for you all to see the new items...and some of the ones still in progress that won't be out until next month.

I'm still learning about running the shop, so I'm sure there will be some bumps and turns in the road ahead, but The CreativeMedley will be up and running.

Please feel free to let me know of any product suggestions that you would like to see! There are links on the blog to e-mail or message me within the Etsy site.

Thanks, and I can't wait to show you around the new CreativeMedley shop!


Gearing back up

Getting back the mindset and vision to be able to share some of what I love to do with others! 
Since it's time for graduations I am practicing my card-making skills to have some templates to make sets for my little shop! Here's a peek:

One basic and the other a little more fun! Trying to come up with cute options to diversify and bring a broader price range to the shop. 
So, just a quick update and behind the scenes look to give you a glimpse of what's happening. Gearing back up to have that grand re-opening that was postponed!! :)



     Since I last wrote, things have changed somewhat. My projected relaunch coincided with my grandmother passing away. And since both of my grandmothers have been such an inspiration to my store and taught me so much of the creative elements that I use with my little Etsy shop, it has been a challenge to get back into planning the relaunch. My projected date was early April, but sadly I had to be back home for a funeral and such things so everything has been postponed and dates moved back a great deal. Sometimes life just intervenes and gets in the way of our plans.

     As of now I don't have a projected date, but am still planning on having a grand re-opening. I'll definitely be posting more in the future as things get closer.

Thanks all!


Tentative Grand Re-Opening!!!

To those who have been reading and anticipating....
YES! Finally planning a Grand Re-Opening of Creative Medley! Official date to be announced as I have a few more things to iron out, but planning to re-open in April. I am quite excited! And finally decided after much debate that having the store open and available is preferable to having a lot in stock. Therefore plans were adjusted accordingly and things are moving forward.

Having fun brainstorming items to add and goals to meet!

Enjoying seeing my funky, fun Swizzle Swirl earrings come together, in quite an array of colors might I add!

Loving feedback and encouragement from friends and acquaintances alike!

Starting to purchase more supplies for my creations from other Etsy sellers!! Which is OH so fun and reminds me of the little Etsy community I am a part of!

Liking the progress that has been made to organize my craft area and the places to store my Creative Medley stock itself!

Looking forward to re-opening!!!!!!!!

Creative Medley is all about being creative and sharing that creativity with others that they could enjoy it or gift it to someone they care for. And that means you! My readers, my friends and acquaintances, each person who scans or looks at or favorites an item. And THAT is why I am excited about re-opening. My audience, the ones with whom I want to share my creations with! To pass along or enjoy, that is the goal.

Now that I've posted those tidbits, I will be getting back to rearranging, organizing, and creating more items for Creative Medley!


Yarn, Stamps, and Earrings Oh My!

        Still working out some kinks before the Grand Re-Opening! Finding a balance of price that is fair to me and the value of my handmade items but is also fair to the buyer is not always an easy task. But enough of the boring number crunching. I'm so excited to be re-opening soon! I've been encouraged so much at my workplace lately. Over the past month I have had many, many compliments on some of my earring designs from friends and random passers through alike. Along with encouragement from another friend that my cards and stationary are quite sellable.

       All of this has encouraged me to re-open soon, and to put more emphasis on some of the smaller, charming items in my shop. Although I love knitting, it does take a great deal of time. So the lovely scarves and dish cloths will be put on hold as I undertake stocking up on the items those around me have complimented and commented on. Expect to see larger quantities of my fun and funky Swizzle Swirl Earrings and some other cute and simple earrings as well. I will be designing more cards and stationary to stamp because I just love the idea of rekindling the lost art of letter writing. Or at least sending fun hand made notes, birthday, and seasonal cards to close friends!

        As soon as I stock up on those items I will be designing some aprons to sew and sell! Some will be based on antique patterns, my own designs, designs from my great (great?) grandmother, and maybe even some movie inspirations. You will have to wait and see!

        I'm trying to brainstorm ideas of how to display my earrings that would be cute and different. I do not wish to use a live model or myself to photograph them because I feel there are some sanitary issues there that I do not want to deal with. I want you to be able to pick out and purchase the perfect compliment to your outfit and not worry about them having been previously worn. So...any cute ideas?! I currently photograph them on the edge of a teacup to just give an idea of size and because they hang there nicely, but other fun suggestions would be welcome!


Coming Soon!

First things first.
Seeing as I use sterling silver posts for all of my handmade earrings, they are now tarnished. This means I will be purchasing a polishing cloth and sprucing up those already created very shortly.
Already completed is a new journal of ideas, inspirations, necessities and lists specifically for Creative Medley. Purchased for protective storage are some great new containers that now only lack labels and handcrafted items to place in stock.

And finally, coming soon are place cards for entertaining and other fun get togethers, stationary and cards, and cute post it note holders!


And again...

I will reiterate my last blog post, not done yet, still crazily trying to balance life with a new job and having friends move nearby (yay!). I am planning on re-opening soon, and as yet have still not worked out the pricing for providing a donation to a good cause yet. Pricing that out will be tricky as I don't want to overcharge but still need to meet my goals as well. You know, all the less fun and exciting parts of having a shop.

However, here is your sneak peek at what will be coming soon!!!
Plan for:
*handmade cards
*place cards for formal (or just fun!) entertaining
*more earrings and jewelry
*and possibly more scarves and knitted items

So that is your sneak peek on what will be coming soon! Give me another week or so to make some of these new items available for you, and the CreativeMedley will be up and running again!