
Changes Are Coming

It has been three long years since CreativeMedley has been available. Our living conditions were just far too crowded for proper creating, much less storage of the fun handmade products I make for the shop. My creative outlet and extra little bits of income for our family of two were at a halt in our little apartment. I missed creating things, dreaming things, planning things for the shop and was almost ready to abandon it completely. But there is still a glimmer of reopening! There's light at the end of this tunnel!

So much has happened since the shop went on hiatus. Just four short months ago we moved and had our first child! And now there is space. Space to breathe, space to dream, space to create. And clearly, with an extra little one who has grown our family of two to a family of three, there is less time than before. But more space! Have I mentioned that there is more space? So I'm sincerely hoping that these two facts of life will balance out at some point soon. More space and less time, less time and more space. That these will collide in the midst of our newborn, new home, new place chaos and as the dust settles I'll be able to create items for the shop again. And have a space to store them! And then be able to have a grand re-opening and a fresh start. Changes are coming!

In this refresh I am hoping not only to restock and have more options of the existing cards, knitting, and jewelry that I've had for you all to peruse in the past, but to also add some fun new things to the shop! That is, of course, why I came up with this particular name-Creative Medley- so that as I changed and real life intervened, that I would be able to offer a variety, or medley if you will, of handmade creations. To offer little gifts, cards for a special someone, and just little happies to those who would want them. To share what I love to do and make and offer homemade items to those who seek them.

It has been a long rickety journey for this little shop. But changes are coming! A refresh, a breath of new life, and a whole new adventure await. Hopefully things will happen soon, but the reality is, as much as I WANT to reopen in time for Christmas gifts, I think the practical goal of a spring opening is more attainable. We shall see! Daring to dream once again, that this little shop will grow and expand, and be able to share the handmade with those that love the quality and time that goes into each item!!!!

Thank you all for watching and waiting in this crazy process! Changes are on their way!