My Shop

This is my Etsy Shop where I sell my medley of creative creations.

A little history about the shop:
     The name Creative Medley was first inspired because I just love so many crafts! A myriad of crafts and creations that I make myself are all throughout our home. So, these numerous crafts that I enjoy and the fact that I make each one myself inspired the name.

    The reason Creative Medley was made was for all my friends and acquaintances who've wanted to purchase my handmade items, as well as being an outlet for my craft habit! It satisfies my creative itch and also allows me to share them with people who will love, cherish or gift them to someone who will find enjoyment and use for them. It also echoes a long ago game I would play with my sister and cousins when I was young and we would each have our own shops at which we sold (to our family of course) little drawings or origami or stories we had each written for a few cents. It is so fun to have pretended to own a shop when I was little and now to be able to have a little shop, albeit a cyber one, now that I am older. 
     For the time being, this shop is just a part time job that I enjoy doing to allow others to enjoy my little creations and to help fun the creating of these handmade items. I would someday love for it to grow larger, but for now I make little odds and ends in the spare time I have to add to my small supply. As I am still a newly wed and enjoying time learning how to be a wife and making a life for ourselves, there isn't as much time to be crafty as I would prefer. And our small apartment does not leave much room for storing the items I make for the CreativeMedley. However it is still something I enjoy and am passionate about, so I have my little storage boxes to keep each item neat, clean and dust-free before they are found by the perfect person and shipped off to their new home. I am certain that as life goes on my little store will grow and there will be more items and options of handmade creations to purchase in the future. For now though, it is a smaller shop, but each item is hand crafted by me with love and care for those who might find it the perfect gift or addition to their own life.

I genuinely appreciate your support of my shop and I am open to any suggestions or requests! I will even accept custom orders if you see something you like but would absolutely love it more in a different color. Just message me here, from my Contact Me section on the blog, or through my Etsy shop. Please note though, I will need a feasible amount of time to gather materials and create your custom orders. But I am eager and more than happy to accept all reasonable requests!

Thank you again for your interest, ideas, and support!

To purchase items in my shop you can check out my CreativeMedley facebook page or search the CreativeMedley in your to link to my shop. There are also various links around the blog page if you explore the sides and bottom of the blog.