
Tentative Grand Re-Opening!!!

To those who have been reading and anticipating....
YES! Finally planning a Grand Re-Opening of Creative Medley! Official date to be announced as I have a few more things to iron out, but planning to re-open in April. I am quite excited! And finally decided after much debate that having the store open and available is preferable to having a lot in stock. Therefore plans were adjusted accordingly and things are moving forward.

Having fun brainstorming items to add and goals to meet!

Enjoying seeing my funky, fun Swizzle Swirl earrings come together, in quite an array of colors might I add!

Loving feedback and encouragement from friends and acquaintances alike!

Starting to purchase more supplies for my creations from other Etsy sellers!! Which is OH so fun and reminds me of the little Etsy community I am a part of!

Liking the progress that has been made to organize my craft area and the places to store my Creative Medley stock itself!

Looking forward to re-opening!!!!!!!!

Creative Medley is all about being creative and sharing that creativity with others that they could enjoy it or gift it to someone they care for. And that means you! My readers, my friends and acquaintances, each person who scans or looks at or favorites an item. And THAT is why I am excited about re-opening. My audience, the ones with whom I want to share my creations with! To pass along or enjoy, that is the goal.

Now that I've posted those tidbits, I will be getting back to rearranging, organizing, and creating more items for Creative Medley!