
Craft Space

   Now that you have read up on how I was inspired to start my own Etsy shop I will share a little more of my personal life.

  My husband was so supportive of me starting up the shop! He helped me brainstorm store names and allowed me to splurge some more on supplies. (Keep in mind that we had been married less than a year at this point, and a newly-wed-just-out-of-college budget is pretty tight!) So I was thrilled and thankful that we had a little extra spending money to start up my little shop. Now let me show you the little desk I had been working on when I first started up:
My old desk

Please note the little tiny white desk at the foot of the twin bed there. This is the same desk I grew up with and brought with me to our first apartment. I had a mere 18" by 33" space to work with. And of course throw in the living room coffee table more than twice that size and all the floor space I wound up using. But it's what I had to work with and I used that space up! Now, the coffee table takeover was not appreciated by either my husband or me. It was cluttered which he can't stand, and it was a pain for me to find a place to stash everything when guests came over.  So we saved our pennies and over the course of a few months I was pleased to hear my husband's approval that we could now go out and find me a new desk! Here is the result of a very happy Ikea visit:

My wonderful new desk has storage cubes that are exposed and encourage me to stay organized, and it has all the desk space I dreamed of!

Now, I am still a clutterbug and this is my response to that:
My "Creative Clutter is better than Idle Neatness!" cross stitch

 And now that I have my wonderful new desk and much more crafting space I can focus on more products for my Etsy shop. Now if there were just more hours in the day I'd be set! :)

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